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Showing posts from March, 2024

Electrolyte balance

Electrolytes of body Electrolyte s are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge Electrolytes affect the amount of water in your body, the acidity of your blood (p), your muscle function, and other important processes You lose electrolytes when you sweat You replace them by drinking fluids.   Common electrolytes include: Calcium Phosphorous  Chloride Potassium Magnesium Sodium ELECTROLYTE BALANCE kokookoo Electrolyte balance, or salt balance, is necessary in controlling fluid movements within the body Salts are lost in perspiration, urine, feces and may be lost excessively in diarrhea, vomiting and sweating. The most crucial electrolyte for preserving electrolyte balance is sodium. Controlling the ratio of sodium intake to outflow is a crucial kidney function. Sodium: The predominant positive ion (cation) in fluid outside of cells is sodium. Na+ is the chemical symbol for sodium. Table salt is what is produced when chloride is added. Urine cont


Weight is a unit of measurement for the force of gravity applied to a body that is inversely correlated with mass.. Or the weight of an object is usually taken to be the force on the object due to gravity src="" title="Weights" width="372" /> Measures Finding out the size, amount, or degree of (something) by using an instrument or device marked in standard units is called measures. Or A standard unit used to express the size, amount, or degree of something. System of Measurement A system of measurement is a set of units of measurement which can be used to specify anything which can be measured There are two Systems of weights and measures The Imperial System The Metric System Imper


Calcination is the process in which the inorganic substances are strongly heated 40 as to remove their volatile components and fixed component are preservede Mechanism of Calcination On laboratory scale we use silica or platinum crucibles, china dishes and glass dishes for this process. Firstly we add the chemical substance to respective apparatus, now heat this chemical substance until volatile components are evaporated and fixed components remain in apparatus. On industrial scale rotary kilns are used in the process of calcination. Examples CaCO3 ZnCO3 → Cao + CO2 → ZnO + CO2 Application in Pharmacy One method of separating and purifying some inorganic compounds is calcination. calcium oxide Zinc oxide and red mercuric oxide. It is used in the conversion of carbonates to oxides. 3. Centrifugation Centrifugation is the process of using centrifugal force to separate the lighter components of a solution, mixture, or suspension from the heavier ones. The angular velocity of centrifugatio

Introduction and application of various processes in pharmacy

Adsorption When a solid surface is exposed to gas or liquid molecules then gas or liquid molecules accumulate at the surface it is called adsorption. The substance that deposits at the surface is called adsorbate. And the solid on whose surface the adsorption occurs is called adsorbent. Attachment of Particle The solid particles have more compact molecules than liquid or gases. So, it acts as a foundation in adsorption for liquid or gas particles. On surface they can join by the following ways Ionic bonding  Physical interactions Chemical Interaction Difference between adsorption and absorption    Adsorption means deposition on surface only while absorption means penetration into the body of solid. Types of adsorption Adsorption fundamentally divided into two main categories 1. Physical Adsorption It is the interaction of liquid or gas particles with solid particles surface and there is physical characteristics are involved Example Many drugs are absorbed from GIT and skin through phy

Type of capsules

TYPE OF CAPSULES There are two types of capsules Soft Gelatin Capsules Hard Gelatin Capsules Hard Gelatin Capsules These are the capsules that have hard shell of Gelatin around its medicaments Gelatin can be prepared by reacting sugar water and gelatin There are two halves of hard Capsule shells: Cap (slightly large in diameter but shorter in length) Body (shorter in diameter and longer in length) The drug is filled in the longer half (body) and other half is fitted as a cap. Hard gelatin capsules intended for human medicine are manufactured in eight sizes. Human medicines are manufactured in eight size of capsule. As a guide, the relative sizes and fill capacities of capsules with Aspirin are given below. Raw materials of capsules: Sugar : Impart sweetness Gelatin : Main ingredient Plasticizer : Elasticity (soft capsule) Colorants : Iron oxide, titanium dioxide Preservatives : Gela when the mood medium for the growth of bacteria especially below 1 degree Celsius and when he moist ad d

Acid base balance

Acid-base balance Acid-base balance is the part of human homeostasis concerning the proper acids and bases, also called body pH. The body is very sensitive mechanisms exist to maintain it. Outside the acceptable range of pH. proteins are denatures and digested, enzymes lose their ability to function, and death may occur anespite variation in metabolism, diet and environmeated with the body acid - bene blanc nuid volume and electrolyte concentration are maintained within a narrow range Many naturally occurring acids are necessary for life. For example, hydrochloric ad is secret We the stomach to assist with digestion. The chemical composition of food in the det ca an effect on the body's acid - base production. Components that affect andid - base balance Include protein, chloride, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the rate at which nutrients are absorbed in the intestine will alter acid - base balance balance between to its pH level, so strong. Cells and body


These are alcoholic or oleaginous preparations of various medicinal substances intended for external application to the skin generally with friction and rubbing These are liquid or semi-liquid preparations and can be solution , suspension, or emulsion. Uses They are administered to an area to produce congestion or redness due to their rubefacient activity. Irritant: does not directly affect the tissues but causes inflammation of the area to which it is applied. Counterirritant: Rubbed intact skin to lessen or ease a tingling or soreness in the area. Penetrating behavior Two types of vehicles 1. Alcoholic or hydro-alcoholic vehicle is useful when rubefacient, counter-irritant, or penetrating action is desired. 2. Oleaginous vehicles are employed when massage is desired. They are less irritating than alcoholic liniments Precautions It is not recommended to apply liners to injured skin as they may create significant irritation. Storage and Labeling The bottle should be labeled: "For

Benefits of getting an education

Education is widely regarded as one of the fundamental pillars of societal development and individual growth. It encompasses formal learning processes that equip individuals with knowledge, skills, and values necessary for personal, social, and economic advancement. This comprehensive essay aims to explore the myriad benefits of education across various dimensions, including personal, social, economic, and cultural realms. By delving into these aspects, we can gain a deeper understanding of the transformative power of education and its impact on individuals and societies at large. Personal Development Acquisition of knowledge and critical thinking skills Enhancing Creativity and Imagination Fostering personal growth and self-awareness Cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy Improving decision-making and problem-solving abilities Promoting lifelong learning and adaptability Social Development  Facilitating social integration and cohesion Promoting diversity and multicultural unde