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Calcination is the process in which the inorganic substances are strongly heated 40 as to remove their volatile components and fixed component are preservede

Mechanism of Calcination

On laboratory scale we use silica or platinum crucibles, china dishes and glass dishes for this process. Firstly we add the chemical substance to respective apparatus, now heat this chemical substance until volatile components are evaporated and fixed components remain in apparatus. On industrial scale rotary kilns are used in the process of calcination.


CaCO3 ZnCO3 → Cao + CO2 → ZnO + CO2

Application in Pharmacy

  1. One method of separating and purifying some inorganic compounds is calcination. calcium oxide Zinc oxide and red mercuric oxide.
  2. It is used in the conversion of carbonates to oxides.

3. Centrifugation

Centrifugation is the process of using centrifugal force to separate the lighter components of a solution, mixture, or suspension from the heavier ones. The angular velocity of centrifugation determines the rate of force The rate of centrifugation is specified by the angular velocity measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).


For processing small amounts of biological molecules, cells, or nuclei, microcentrifuges are employed. 
 Microcentrifuge tubes generally hold 0.5 - 2.0 mL of liquid, and are spun at maximum angular speeds of 12,000-13,000 rpm.


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