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Type of capsules


There are two types of capsules

  • Soft Gelatin Capsules
  • Hard Gelatin Capsules

Hard Gelatin Capsules

These are the capsules that have hard shell of Gelatin around its medicaments Gelatin can be prepared by reacting sugar water and gelatin

There are two halves of hard Capsule shells:

  • Cap (slightly large in diameter but shorter in length)
  • Body (shorter in diameter and longer in length)

The drug is filled in the longer half (body) and other half is fitted as a cap. Hard gelatin capsules intended for human medicine are manufactured in eight sizes.

Human medicines are manufactured in eight size of capsule.

As a guide, the relative sizes and fill capacities of capsules with Aspirin are given below.

Raw materials of capsules:

  • Sugar: Impart sweetness
  • Gelatin: Main ingredient
  • Plasticizer: Elasticity (soft capsule)
  • Colorants: Iron oxide, titanium dioxide
  • Preservatives: Gela when the mood medium for the growth of bacteria especially below 1 degree Celsius and when he moist ad deontents are high. In order to control the grown microbes various preservative and added sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, meld, methyl propylene esters and organic acids like benzoic acid. The growth of micro organisms an also be slowed down by reducing moisture content below 16% 

Other types of capsules:

  • Sustain release capsules:
These capsules contains granules or beads having the same active ingredients and excipients but different type of coatings, some of the granules can be left uncoated for immediatel release while some can be coated in such a way that they release drug after a specified period of time. In this way dated cops dres release can be controlled, thus producing a sustained action Enteric coated capsules:

  • Enteric coated capsules
contain granules with such coatings which are not affected by acidic secretions of stomach therefore, the coat maintains integrity and granules are not broken down or dissolved in the stomach but when it enters the intestine the alkaline environment breaks down of coatings and the granule then dissolves or disintegrates and absorbs

Production of hard gelatin shells:

Dipping: Moulds/dye of pins dipped into hot gelatin solutions

Spinning: Pins rotated to evenly distribute the gelatin

Drying: Pins cooled and the gelatin solidifies. Pins passed through air drying chambers and the moisture content of shells is precisely controlled.

Trimming: Capsules trimmed to obtain the required length

Joining: Sections joined together and ejected

Soft Gelatin Capsule

These are prepared from gelatin and water to which glycerin, sorbitol or propylene glycol are added to make them elastic or plastic like. Soft Gelatin Capsules are found in different shapes e.g.

  • Oval
  • Tube Shape
  • Round

These are used for filling liquids and semi-solids. 

Advantages of Capsules

  • Capsules may be used for dispensing solid, semi-solid and liquid drugs
  • In capsule manufacturing less adjuncts are required as compare to tablets
  • Capsules can be colored to protect from light
  • They are easy to handle and carry

Disadvantage of Capsule

  • apsules cannot be used for aqueous and alcoholic preparation as they w attack the shell.
  • Hygroscopic substances are not suitable to capsulate, they absorb moistu and make shell brittle.


They are flat disc shaped solid dosage fortis containing medicaments that are usually over the countes and having a large quantity of sugar and a flavoring agent to enhance its taste, these are intended to be placed and dissolved in the oral cavity thus producing a localized effect on the mucous membrane fthe buccal cavity and throat. They are also called troches and pastilles


  • Sugar
  • Flavoring agent
  • Coloring agent
  • Binding agent
  • Active ingredients (antiseptic)
  • Gums


There are two types of lozenges.

1) Molded:

  • Prepared by mixing the ingredients with the base
  • Water is added to the maximum to convert it into semi solid mass
  • This mass is rolled to uniform thickness
  • This rolled mass is cut into lozenges of uniform size and weight
  • These lozenges are dried in hot air

2) Compressed:

  • These are prepared by compressing the powdered material in machines similar to the ones for tablet
  • The cavities of the dyes are comparatively larger than those for the preparation of the tablets
  • The surface of the lozenges can be made smooth by application of thin sugar syrups


They may be inserted into rectum, vagina or urethra, where suppositories soften or melt at body temperature which releases the medicament and exert local and systemic actions.

Suppositories vary in shapes, sizes and weights.

  • These are convenient for administration of drugs which irritate GIT, cause vomiting, destroyed by stomach pH
  • Easily administered to children, old people, and unconscious patients.
  • Suppositories are used for local actions(rectal: relieve constipation),
(vaginal: antibacterial, local anesthetic analgesic) 
  • For systemic effects, mucous membrane of rectum and vagina permits absorption of many soluble drugs.



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