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There is no justification for delaying the elections, the caretaker government's aim is not to waste time, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif says that the general elections should be held under the new census, it is the discretion of the Election Commission to delimit the constituencies and hold elections, there is no justification for delaying the elections, the work respects the vote and we have worked for the people. Respect the vote and respect the work is the correct statement. Shahbaz Sharif said in the private TV Aaj New Zake program that the government will complete its term on August 12. Will also talk to Riaz.

The Prime Minister said that the purpose of the caretaker government is not to waste time, but the journey of development should continue in it. If the process of general elections is not completed in 60 days, then the matter will go to the Chief Election Commissioner. We are fulfilling the constitutional requirements for elections in 90 days. He further said that the new government will come for 5 years with public mandate, only the government equipped with public mandate will solve public problems.

On the question of the sudden increase in the prices of petrol products, the Prime Minister replied that the price of petrol has decreased in the last 3 months. The price of petrol is determined according to the global market. And we also had to increase the prices of petroleum products.

Shahbaz Sharif said that friendly countries were offended in the previous government, accusations were also made against Chinese companies to shine their politics, while China supported Pakistan in every difficult time and invested 25 billion dollars under CPEC. We have made serious efforts to restore relations with China, the Army Chief played an important role in this.

Regarding the tragedy of May 9, the Prime Minister said that some retired and serving officers were involved in these incidents, Chairman PTI incited the group against the state, and acted as a friend and enemy.

Shahbaz Sharif said that Nawaz Sharif will return home soon, he is the candidate of him, the party and the people. .

The Prime Minister further said that the return of Nawaz Sharif has nothing to do with September 16, he will return home with the permission of the doctors, he has been acquitted of the cases, and the court has also said that the case against Nawaz Sharif was made maliciously. .

Shahbaz Sharif addressed the anchor and said that he did not ask what happened to you in 15 months, something happened to him during this period that he did not even think of, he had never seen such difficult situations in his life, the government took over the inflation. The storm was raging, Chairman PTI had sunk the raft of the economy, the destruction of the economy was not foreseen, Bilawal Bhutto helped a lot in handling matters on the foreign front.

Shahbaz Sharif said that he is not in the mood to work with allies, but with the cooperation and joint efforts of allies, all the crises were overcome. The threat of has been buried.


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