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Which Indian cultures are the most prevalent?

India is a nation with a rich and varied culture, which is seen in the numerous different faiths, dialects, and customs that it is home to. The Indian civilizations that are most common are:

ISLAM: With more than 14% of the population identifying as Muslim, Islam is the second most popular religion in India. Islam is a monotheistic religion that is founded on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the conviction that there is only one God, Allah. Muslims adhere to the five pillars of Islam: shahada (belief in one God and the Prophet Muhammad), salat (prayer), zakat (charity), sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). They also believe that the Quran is the inspired word of God.



With more than 80% of the people identifying as Hindu, Hinduism is the dominant religion in India. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion founded on the idea that Brahman, the ultimate being, manifests itself in a variety of ways. Hindus believe in the cycle of reincarnation and that moksha, or escape from the circle of reincarnation, is the ultimate aim of existence.


Christianity: With more than 2% of the population identifying as Christian, Christianity is the third most popular religion in India. Jesus Christ, whom Christians consider to be the Son of God, is the center of the monotheistic religion known as Christianity. Christians adhere to Jesus Christ's teachings and accept the Bible as the inspired word of God.


Sikhism:  Less than 2% of the Indian people identify as Sikhs, making Sikhism a minority religion in that country. Guru Nanak Dev established the monotheistic religion of Sikhism in the 15th century. Sikhs adhere to the teachings of the Ten Gurus and believe in just one God, Waheguru. Sikhs are renowned for their distinctive turbans and adherence to the ideals of equality, nonviolence, and selflessness.


 Jainism: Less than 1% of Indians identify as followers of the minority religion of Jainism. Mahavira established the non-violent religion of Jainism in the sixth century BCE. Jains adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and uphold the ahimsa (non-violence) tenet. Jains are renowned for their dedication to austerity and emphasis on inner serenity.


In addition to these major religions, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism are among the other religions practiced in India. There are numerous tribal cultures in India, each with its own distinct traditions and customs.

The numerous ethnic groups that have inhabited India for ages have created a rich and intricate tapestry that makes up Indian culture. India is a vibrant, colorful, and exciting country, with everything from the historic Hindu temples in the north to the busy markets in the south.


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